Sunday, January 08, 2006

2 pieces of early Advice that have stuck with me

Lots of people have given me a lot of positive advice and encouragement. That has been very positive and that definitely stays with you when you are pounding the pavement.

There are, however, two pieces of particularly helpful pieces of wisdom that I have received.

1. From the book, 'The Non-runner's Training Guide to a Marathon':
When posed with a challenge (a hill, cold wind, etc.), embrace it and say 'come with me.' Plough on. Fight on. Embrace it. You can do it!

2. From a friend, Simon Prest (who has run the Marthon de Sables!):
'You can't cheat your legs -make sure you get the miles in.'
There is no substitute getting the miles in and getting your legs built up and used to the distance.


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