Monday, January 23, 2006

Week 3 - The battle starts to heat up!

Week 3 - 16/Jan/06 - 22/Jan/06

Pleased to say that I've made it through another week!

I woke up on Monday with VERY sore knees. I'd say I have been pretty good at stretching up to now. I've been doing three stretches for my hamstrings, quads and calf muscles, which always get good, prolonged stretches but I haven't really stretched my knee muscles. I think I'm going to have to find out how to do it!

Finding the time.. that's become the biggest issue. All my early momentum and discipline has faded a touch. I only managed to run three times this week.

The first two runs were BOTH in the gym. The first was 3 miles, the second was 4 miles. It felt OK, but all a bit of a precursor for the 'big run'.

The 'big run' was in Dublin. For the first time I ran with someone and it was really enjoyable. I ran with Brian 'Bongo' McGowan, who is in training for the Conemarathon ( . He has run a few long runs and he set out the course for our seven-miler. He set the route via, an unbelievable brilliant way to measure out your route...We ran down from Belwey's Ballsbrige, down Syndey Parade, along the Strand, throught to Ranelagh & Clonskeagh and then back down Anglesea Road. It was a brilliant feeling to run in a different city and to run in my home town was a charm. Bongo was a legend as well, we had a great laugh in between some seriously tough moments! At about 2.5 miles, we were really struggling but a bit of momentum once we finished a long hill gave us the drive to keep going. The highlight was the (quasi-!) sprint finish on Anglesea Road. And YES, I WON!! Woo hoo.. It was all worth it. I had that sick feeling that you get when you've really pushed yourself.. in a perverse way, that was cool. It certainly justified a few glasses of wine the night before and permitted a couple more on the Saturday night. That we stayed out till 4am isn't written about in my Non-Runner's Guide book, however............................. till next week!


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